


Around the world, pollution of the air, water and soil from municipal, industrial and agricultural operations continues to grow. Public, industrial and private organisations are constantly searching for technologies that will allow for more efficient and cost-effective waste management. One technology that can successfully treat the organic fraction of wastes (biogenic wastes) is indeed anaerobic digestion through fermentation. When used in a fully-engineered system, fermentation of biogenic waste not only provides pollution prevention, but also allows for sustainable energy, water, fertilizer and nutrient recovery. Thus, this technology can convert a disposal problem into a profit centre, and provides a realistic solution for environmental, social and economic problems for highly developed as well as for developing folks and nations.

"Mother Nature" proofs to be the best example for true sustainable commercial business. She knows no loss or even break down, but only PROFITS and this since billions of years.

What does she do, what mankind did not yet succeed to?

One BASIC LAW basic law determines success of nature first of all.

Seemingly it is rebellion against this law, which ever and ever again led to people's and nations economical downfall and will finally lead to global economic and ecological breakdown.

It is the law, that everything in nature performs in a cyclic process, a most likely eternal roundabout on which course GROWING, BLOOMING and VANISHING follow themselves endless dancing.

All in all nature does not know need, waste or unuseful, severe disturbance or blockade. She works within a closed system where is a energy "turn over", no significant "energy consumption". Everything finds it's good and proper place, converts without hesitation to be reintegrated into natures living circle for future welfare. And this wheeling circle is driven forth almost everlasting by the fire of the sun.

Nature knows no UNUSEFUL, no WASTE, but because man - in his basically blind and greedy way of living - presses permanently his "TOO MUCH OF JOLLY & GOOD", waste and garbage into natures circuit, we are to experience those tremendous health and live endangering developments of soil, water, air and atmosphere. Its effects are by now very well known by almost everyone around this globe. Not needless to say that resources, used for this undue production had been ripped, in most similar shamelessness - and to the letter of the word - needlessness, out of nature’s precious folds.

So we shall be well advised to follow nature's example and respect its right.

NATURES RIGHT, right of nature, so to say is, to run completely unhindered this "harmonic circle economy". A kind of business, in which the one's "rest", is the other one's "best". Where the ENDPRODUCT (Waste) of one side is the “NURISHMENT” (Benefit) of the other.



Waste matter disposed by modern man and emissions of his energy policy are not only a severe problem for himself today and even more tomorrow, but truly severe for nature too. But lo, nature has started quite some time ago, to defend itself throwing before his feet and right into his face, men's indigestible garbage.

We, as “homo sapiens sapiens” have not only acknowledged those symbiotic and deconstructive processes but also its following consequence, to SECURE indeed "NATURE LAW", convinced, that only intact nature law can guarantee for our next generations a proper, honourable and joyful survival.

Bacteria caused modern wealth (fossil energy - limited) are EVER ready to do so in future (anaerobic digestion - unlimited)